Your Pool Table Set is Not Complete Without These Accessories

HomeCarolina Pool Tables Plus BlogYour Pool Table Set is Not Complete Without These Accessories

You carefully prepped your game room, researched the best pool tables, and invested in a high-quality set. The felt is taut, the cue sturdy, and the balls racked and ready. But wait! Is something missing from your pool table set?

Your Pool Table Set is Not Complete Without These Accessories

Though you may have the table itself ready to go, there are a few essential pool table accessories that take a pool table from just okay to game-ready:

  • A Triangle. Trying to arrange all 15 balls in a perfect triangle manually? No thanks. The triangle rack makes quick work of getting the balls in the starting position.
  • A Bridge. You’ll also need a bridge to reach those hard-to-make shots easily. The bridge allows you to steadily extend your stroke no matter where the cue ball ends up. Forget contorting your body to take tricky shots; the bridge has your back.
  • Chalk Cubes. And, of course, no pool table set is complete without cue tip chalk cubes. These accessories help prevent miscues and enhance power and spin when a cue tip hits the white ball. Don’t be that person fumbling with a regular stick of chalk – get some cubes instead.

When you buy a pool table from us at Carolina Pool Tables Plus, you can rest assured that it won’t feel incomplete once it’s all set up in your game room. We’ll include a kit containing these and many more accessories needed to complete your pool table set. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our wonderful accessory kit packages.