Pool Table Construction, Charlotte, NC

HomePool Table Construction, Charlotte, NC

The more you know about pool table construction, the better!

Pool Table Construction in Charlotte, North CarolinaAt Carolina Pool Tables Plus, we sell and services all pool table brands.  We understand that each customer has different budget goals, durability requirements and furniture quality preferences. Regardless of your pool table preference or budget, we can help.

Pool tables are available in various styles and levels of quality. It is important to understand that pool tables can be beautiful on the outside but poorly constructed on the inside.  To ensure you purchase a table that will give you many years of enjoyment with few maintenance concerns, it is important to turn to someone who can explain how to differentiate when it comes to quality pool table construction.

We are happy to take the time to educate you on the different pool table construction techniques used by the various manufacturers.  We will help you find the perfect pool table to meet your individual needs. Here are some things about pool table construction you should know:

  • Mitered Corner– This pool table construction will provide an heirloom-quality pool table that is meticulously crafted to last several lifetimes. A mitered corner is the best method because it avoids having the cabinet coming apart. Other construction methods will have gaps in the corners.

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  • Nut and Bolt– Nut and bolt construction is hidden by corner end caps. You should know that if you purchase a pool table with this type of construction, you’ll need to have it re-leveled and adjusted during ownership as vibrations cause the bolts to loosen over time.
  • Metal Plate and Wood Screw– This type of pool table construction will also be hidden by corner end caps on the pool table cabinet.  This construction type may also loosen over time, requiring the pool table to be re-leveled during ownership.
  • Customization in Pool Table Construction– When you deal with a company that offers top-quality pool tables, you’ll have more options to choose from. We offer 7-foot, 8-foot, 8-foot pro, and 9-foot options.
  • Slate Pool Tables– Quality slate pool table construction uses slate, not slate boards. Slate boards are used on the lowest-quality tables. We carry only top-quality true slate pool tables.  There is a good reason for this. Most slate boards are designed to compensate for the lack of cabinet construction, often constructed using inferior materials such as fiberboard and particle board, which means you are getting an all-around poorly constructed table. This poor level of quality is typical of internet and imported pool tables.  Buyer beware!! Expect troubled ownership from the beginning if you select an inferior slate pool table.

It might seem like having a heavy slate pool table would have its challenges, but if you want a pool table that will last and provide the ideal surface for a game where the smallest of flaws can throw off the entire game, it is worth going with quality pool table construction that is sturdy and strong. We offer pool table brands that aren’t subject to the warping, bending, dipping, and imperfections that other tables are.

Visit one of our showrooms in Charlotte, North Carolina or Columbia, South Carolina today to learn more about pool table construction and why our pool tables are your best bet for a superior playing experience.

At Carolina Pool Tables Plus, we offer pool table construction services for customers in and around Charlotte, North Carolina; Columbia and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; and Augusta, Georgia.