Purchasing a used pool table might sound like a great way to go. Think about all the money you will save… But think again!
Here are a few reasons why you shouldn’t buy a used pool table:
1. It might not be made of slate.
Did you know that not all pool tables are slate? Some pool tables have a honeycomb, slatron, or MDF playing surface. If the table is not slate (rock), then the playing surface will NEVER be level. Without slate on the playing surface, the table will not be heavy, so when you play a game on it, it will shift and move as you lean over to make the shot. At best, you will be just “banging balls around”. It’s no fun to play pool when there is no skill involved.
2. Not all slate pool tables are created equal.
Even if it’s a slate pool table, that doesn’t mean it’s a good pool table. The materials, construction, and the type of slate used are important. You want to make sure the slate has a backing on it. The backing helps to keep the shims in place and also secures your cloth so it doesn’t come loose. If the pool table uses an unbacked slate, then the cloth is secured by gluing. The glue will eventually loosen, causing your cloth to be loose. It’s no fun to play on loose cloth.
3. Used pool tables are difficult and dangerous to move.
Even if you do manage to find a good used slate pool table, it will weigh about 800 lbs. or more. Three-piece slate tables are not designed to be moved while fully assembled. They need to be broken down, moved in pieces, and then set up again. If you move a three-piece slate table without breaking it down, not only will it be dangerous and may cause someone to get hurt, but it’s also likely the parts will break, and it won’t be level in the end anyway. It’s no fun to play pool on a broken pool table.
At Carolina Pool Tables Plus, we offer professional moving services. You may find the labor costs outweigh the value of the table. Beware of hiring just anyone for moving services… they may even just drive off with your table.
4. Most used tables have “dead” cushions or are made of inferior materials.
Most used tables (and new tables, for that matter) you will find for sale will have inferior construction materials and build quality, like metal bracket corner construction or MDF and particle board materials. If the table is made of substandard materials, they will begin to warp and cause the slate to shift, ending with your ball not rolling correctly. It’s no fun to play on an unlevel table.
If your table has “dead” cushions, we offer professional cushion replacement services. Beware of hiring just anyone for this service, as there are multiple cushion profiles, and putting the wrong one on your table will make your table not play right.
For these reasons and more, we recommend buying a new table or a pre-owned table from a reputable local dealer instead of turning to the classifieds. Contact us today to learn more about our high-quality pool tables.