Reasons to Hire Professional Pool Table Movers

HomeCarolina Pool Tables Plus BlogReasons to Hire Professional Pool Table Movers

As our name implies, we at Carolina Pool Tables Plus specialize in all things pool tables. Because of this, we understand that pool tables are a real hassle to transport from place to place. In fact, if you need to move your pool table, we encourage you to hire professionals to do the job for you. In this article, we’ll go over some of the reasons why we recommend hiring professional pool table movers to transport this particular piece of furniture.

Reasons to Hire Professional Pool Table Movers

  • One benefit of hiring professional pool table movers is that they will come prepared with all the necessary equipment. Our movers will bring enough dollies to move the whole pool table if possible, and if not, we will also come equipped with all the tools we will need to disassemble the table and put it back together at its destination site.
  • As we alluded to above, when moving a pool table, it is often necessary to disassemble the table first and then reassemble it once it arrives at its new home. The bulkiness and weight of a pool table makes it easy to damage when moved, so often, the safest method is to take it apart and transport it in pieces. As you can imagine, it takes practice and skill to be able to take pool tables apart and put them back together without damaging any of the parts in the process, so it’s best to have trained professionals take care of this process for you.
  • A third reason to hire professional pool table movers is that they will be sure to treat your pool table with the level of care it deserves and be very cautious when transporting it. Our team knows just how fragile pool tables can really be, and we take every precaution to ensure that nothing is damaged during transit.